[Monday Minute] Website page URL/link structure

Reader! Welcome to this week's Monday Minute!

Today we're chatting about website page URLs.

This is what I'm referring to:

The link for the actual page, yourdomain.com/xxxx. This is called a URL.

What you need to know: words inside the URL need to be separated by dashes.


  • Instead of www.yourdomain.com/onlinecourses it would be www.yourdomain.com/online-courses
  • Instead of www.yourdomain.com/pelvichealth it would be www.yourdomain.com/pelvic-health

If you don't use dashes, Google will read that as one word "pelvichealth". This is bad for SEO and aesthetically it looks less than ideal. Especially if it is a 4-word link😬

On length: Keeping links short and sweet is great because it's easy to say and link to elsewhere. There are exceptions to this rule when it comes to content and blogging, but that's beyond a Monday Minute.

Red Flag 🚩: When your URLs for your website pages are /general-1, /home-2-1, /duplicate-1

Rename those links to be appropriate for the page and without numbers in them.

Homework: are all of your main navigation page links appropriate and formatted correctly? If not, change them.

But proceed with caution: when you change a page url/link, if you link to that page from somewhere else, the old link will be broken and you'll need to replace it with the new page link. So make sure you are aware of that before you go buck wild changing all of your links at once.😊 You'll need to check your buttons and links that are within your other pages and change them to the new link.

All of this can be found on the website page settings on whatever platform your website is on.

Have a great week!



1. SEO School will open for enrollment next week. This week's Monday Minute is one thing (out of so so many things) that we go over in SEO School in much greater detail. Be on the lookout next week for more information.

2. Because SEO School will be opening for enrollment next week, my next Monday Minute will be on Monday, October 7th.

Check out my website: www.lexlancaster.com

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Lex Lancaster

The one-stop-shop for health and wellness entrepreneurs who are looking for done-for-you services and information on strategic planning, tech, SEO, launches, automation, websites, + more. As a part of my newsletter family, you can expect to receive monthly updates from me as well as first dibs on any course enrollments, new services, and more.

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